Erasmus Plus KA1 - EVS - European Voluntary Service
Número do projeto: 34-SVE-17 Serviço Voluntário Europeu – LONGA DURAÇÃO
Nome: EVSolvin
Datas: 8 de Janeiro 2018 a 8 de Junho 2018 (6 meses)
Localização: Nicotera, Itália
Vagas: 2 voluntários portugueses (18 aos 30 anos)
Tópico: Turismo, Crianças, Social, Juventude e Voluntariado
Descrição: Os voluntários neste SVE de longa duração vão trabalhar ao utilizar métodos de educação não formal, organizando workshops, jogos e outras atividades com crianças e jovens em escolas e em centros juvenis. Vão trabalhar na área do turismo, realizando pesquisas e promovendo a atividade local nesta região italiana através de workshops e atividades sobre a arte e a cultura através de apresentações criativas. O principal objetivo deste projeto de voluntariado é a proteção e promoção da cultura e arte através dos media de comunicação e eventos locais, sempre dinamizando a juventude.
Este projeto inclui: Apoio, formações, viagem internacional (regulamento do Programa Erasmus +), alojamento, bolsa para a alimentação, seguro, transportes locais se necessários, certificado da Comissão Europeia e materiais. Para saber mais sobre o Serviço Voluntário Europeu abre o link.
Inscrições ONLINE abertas!
+ info: ou Telf.:212404136
Este projeto foi aprovado pela Agência Nacional do Programa Erasmus+ de Portugal
Giovani per l’ Europa is a European Vocational Training Exchange & Placement Programmes.
The association dedicates itself to promote activities which help the young people’s mobility and actions increasing their sensitivity for the cultural, instruction, political and economic diversities which are represented by different populations in Europe. Giovani per l’Europa organisation is accredited to run projects under European Voluntary Service, part of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme.
Accreditation code: EVS is 2016-1-IT03-KA110-009365
Giovani per l’Europa is also active in the promotion and enhancement of knowledge, history, traditions and linguistic culture of an ancient land like Italy, with actions aimed at people of all nationalities, trying to spread a better understanding of the culture and the Italian language.In the framework of Erasmus+ our Internship department specializes in monitoring and organizing work experience and youth mobility projects, placing students, young graduates and young workers from all over the E.U. in corresponding companies on internships.
The key to Giovani per l’ Europa success lies in the quality and professionalism of our Staff. Our activities are carried out by a qualified management team of experts with extensive experience in European projects. Our activities are backed up by the active participation of an international network of organizations. In the past few years, Giovani per l’ Europa has gained a great deal of experience as hosting/sending partner to many European Organizations, Schools, University and enterprises. Some of our most important goals are: to promote the continuous education of all people, to strengthen the human resources potential according to the European Union’s standards, to create an assessment and certifying of professional skills in IT and foreign languages fields.Along with customized programs for our trainees, we offer accommodation and supporting services specifically tailored to the participants needs.
Giovani per l’Europa collaborates with public, local and foreign corporations to manage and to coordinate plans which are financed by European Community. The association’s focus is to make known the various European and non European cultures, so that there is a democratic and mutual exchange among different people. Our activities focus on the organization, management and evaluation of work experience, work placement, internship, cultural discovery, accommodation and language training programmes for students, young people across the European Union (including the candidate countries).