Giovani per l’Europa works in transnational mobility projects, such as those of the Erasmus plus programme, in which it plays the role of sending organization too. In this regard, Giovani per l’Europa performs in particular various tasks:
selection activities, for those who wish to join the mobility or exchange programme, evaluating the suitability or otherwise of candidates to participate in a cross-cultural program. To do this, it uses specific team of experts;
Activities before the departure, foreign language courses, different for each type of hosting country and pedagogical preparation courses at the start;
Coordinates and follows the departure and the stay of beneficiaries in collaboration with partners in the destination country;
During the stay abroad, the sending organization in cooperation with the foreign host partener will constantly monitor the performance of the various phases of the project, until the end of the same;
At the return,the sending organization is responsible for the evaluation of the stay in order to bring improvements if necessary;
Delivery of Europass Mobility Certificates.
- Home
- Who we are
- Our Services
- Transnational mobility
- Erasmus plus
- Erasmus plus KA1- Vet learners mobility – Hosting/Intermediary Organization
- Erasmus plus KA1- Vet Staff mobility – Hosting/Intermediary Organization
- Erasmus+ KA1 – Training Courses
- Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for adult education
- Erasmus+ KA2 strategic – Partnerships for vocational education and training
- Erasmus plus – Youth
- Social Tourism
- Contacts