Giovani per l’Europa is a no-profit organization in social benefit. It was founded in 2006 by some young people having heterogeneous formative and professional courses. The focus of the association is to make known the various European and extra European cultures, so that there is an democrat and mutual exchange among the different people. In the frameworks of LLP and Erasmus plus Giovani per l’Europa specialise in the organization and management of every aspect of work experience and exchange projects funded by the European Commission under Erasmus plus for all key
In over the association is active in the following sectors:
a) Welfare and partner-sanitary
• Focus on the people who find problems concerning the structure and the organization of the human society
• Occupational problems concerning the world of the job, helping the meeting between question and offer with greater attention to the feminine integration.
• Humanitarian aids
b) Education
c) Formation promotion of European courses for the integrated formation to the job and the the linguistic learning
• the organization and the management for cultural exchanges in community countries
• courses and activities for professional orientation, qualification, retraining and continuous updating; turning to people having social disadvantages.
d) Guardianship, promotion and exploitation of the things of artistic and historical interest , the law of 1° June 1939, n° 10 89, the libraries and the Good of which to the D.P.R. September 30 th 1963, n° 1409;
e) culture and art promotion Popularizing local culture through trips for students who wish to experience living and studying in Italy.